Tiktok Ads, do you know how to create different ads on the social network of the moment? Get to know the types of platform solutions and find out if it's worth it for your business.


Whether it's a dance or a fun video, you've definitely been impacted by TikTok content. It is no wonder that this is the fastest growing social network today.

The application already exceeds the billion in number of users and its reach is increasingly drawing the attention of advertising companies.

This happens not only because of the impressive numbers, but also because of the diversity of its users and the incredible rates of engagement that content finds on the platform.

Want to know more about Tiktok Ads, how it works, what types of ads, how much to invest and what steps to take to succeed? We have prepared this complete content on the topic.

What is Tiktok Ads?

Tiktok Ads is the ads tool for the short video social network Tiktok .

In other words, it is the solution for companies to create ads in different formats to reach app users.

For this, this tool brings together creative and audience targeting resources. Options that allow advertisers to experiment, target and understand how to get better results.

The ads tool has been pleasing big brands, which are increasingly present in this social network.

But those who believe that there is no space and solutions for small and medium businesses are wrong.

This is because the network's algorithm makes Ads Tiktok able to segment and better target advertising within the most appropriate audiences and models.

How much does it cost to invest in Tiktok Ads?

In Tiktok Ads, the budget is very flexible and defined by the maximum daily cost that the advertiser wants to invest.

The minimum amounts vary between 20 and 50 dollars daily.

This feature is quite similar to Google Ads tools.

In practice, you define in the Tiktok Ads Manager tool the daily cost ceiling for that ad and also the beginning and end of its display.

Amounts are charged through the payment method selected when creating the advertiser account.

This payment can be made manually or automatically, that is, by bank slips or linked card.

In other words, it is possible to invest small amounts in the platform in a flexible way and without big bureaucracy and contracts.

What are the ad formats?

Tiktok Ads allows different types of ads so that companies can work with different goals and find out which format brings the best results.

But beware, some of these ads are only accessible to managed brands, i.e. app partner brands that are represented by the TikTok sales team.
Image Ads on TikTok Ads
This is the tool's first feed ad type and is advertised across all TikTok platform networks (BuzzVideo, TopBuzz, and Babe).

In this format, the ad has an image, banner, brand name or logo and advertised text.

Video Ads on TikTok Ads

The most common solution among those affordable for small businesses, the video ad is also circulated across the entire range of TikTok platforms.

The advertiser defines the video, an ad display image, brand or app name, and text.

These videos are 5 seconds to 1 minute long and are served full screen to users in the feed.

Spark Ads on TikTok Ads

Spark ads are actually boosting organic videos, produced by the company or another user.

According to TikTok's own indicators, this ad format achieves up to 142% more engagement and 24% more conversions than other types.

Topview ad

Only available to managed accounts, this is the ad that appears once the user opens the app.

That is, it is the first video that the user finds.

Their format is similar to the video ad in the feed, 5 seconds to 1 minute, and they are served in full screen.

Hashtag Challenge

This format has as main objective the engagement and interaction with the brand.

The idea here is for the advertiser to launch a trend through challenges to users.

For this, the hashtag resource is used and users who produce the related content appear on the specific page for that hashtag.
Brand Effect In the Brand Effect
format, the advertiser can create features such as stickers, filters and effects to be used by TikTok users.

Thus also stimulating interaction with the brand and working with the relationship and engagement of the public.

How to create ad in Tiktok Ads?

To start advertising on the social network, you first need to create a Tiktok Ads Manager account.

Just provide some data about your company, such as website and address, define a payment method and wait for the platform's approval.

With the account already created and approved, you can start producing ads by following these steps:

Choose your campaign objective

The first step in creating ads is defining objectives.

That is, configure the purpose of that campaign on the platform so that the algorithm understands the best way to run and pay for the ads.

There are three categories available in Ads Tiktok:

  • Recognition: campaign aimed at reaching as many people as possible, increasing brand recognition;
  • Consideration: ads aimed at bringing the customer to the brand's channels, whether by website link, application download, profile on TikTok itself or bringing leads to the contact base;
  • Conversion: objective of the final end of the brand, this objective is linked to the purchase in the company's catalog or website.

Select placement and audience

Targeting ads and using the best-performing channels is essential for any successful marketing campaign. Tiktok Ads offers solutions in this regard.

To do this, you define your audience in the creation of ads through demographic definitions such as age, gender, location, or even using the lookalike feature to define audience similar to the followers of a specific account.

set budget

The next step is to budget your ads. In this regard, the tool has some possibilities so that the cost is flexible and adaptable.

For this, the tool allows two types of budget: daily or lifetime.

It is necessary to understand that Tiktok Ads works by auction system, regardless of the type of budget defined.

You can also set the “delivery” type of ads between standard or advertised. The type of delivery impacts the speed at which the budget is consumed.

Another possibility is to opt for Campaign Budget Optimization, which applies the settings for all ad groups.

create your ad

Last but not least, it's time to create the ad. Here Tiktok Ads provides a series of creative tools with image and soundtrack feature.

Select the ad type (image, video, spark…) and add the required image, audio, video and text assets.

Be creative, but don't forget about objectivity.

Extra: Boost content

You can also boost TikTok user content as a campaign. Just follow a simple step by step:

  1. Access the settings and select the Creator tools in the profile;
  2. Select Promote;
  3. Choose the video to be boosted;
  4. Define the objective;
  5. Define audience, budget and duration;
  6. Inform the payment method.