Copywriting is a set of text techniques that aim to attract and persuade new leads for all types of businesses. By creating content it is possible to increase sales and retain customers.

Writing is one of the most traditional persuasive methods out there. Since its creation, it has played a fundamental role in informing, transmitting ideas and, consequently, instigating different groups of people.

With the evolution of society, this tool has been transforming and adapting to new times and technologies. In the digital age, this system has evolved into a well-known technique: copywriting.

It can be defined as a persuasive instrument that aims to present products and services to the reader. Inducing him to make certain decisions, capturing the lead and qualifying him through the text.

Today, we are going to show you what the copywriting process is and how it can leverage your business! Follow the text:

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is a writing strategy widely used in digital marketing , also known as copy marketing. In this method, the writer uses persuasive techniques within the texts to draw the reader's attention and convince him to take a certain action.

Generally, this act focuses on the purchase of products or services that are being featured in the content itself. In this way, a qualified lead is generated for the company that, for sure, completes the purchase. This is copy marketing .

How did copywriting come about?

Despite seeming new, this technique has been around for almost two hundred years . Of course, it changed a lot during that time, but it's always nice to understand how the methods we use today came about, isn't it?

Around the year 1828, Noah Webster, an American dictionary, first used the word copy . He used it to define authorial texts that appeared in the newspapers of the time.

A little more than 40 years later, in 1870, publicist John Emory Powers was the first “copywriter” who produced texts with persuasive techniques for advertisements. He is still considered the first copywriter in history .

As we said at the beginning of the topic, this is a technique that has been around for a long time, but it has been changing and evolving since then.

Before the emergence of the internet, the copywriter was just an ordinary advertising copywriter who used persuasion techniques, but very different from what it is today.

With the internet and the explosion of digital marketing, this type of content has become a great method of attracting new customers and, consequently, sales.

What are the differences between copywriting and copywriting?

Speaking of advertising copywriter, many people confuse this profession with copywriting , even thinking that both do the same thing.

However, things don't work that way. In advertising writing, the text's mission is to bring only informative content about a particular product or service.

In the copy marketing text, the objective is, in addition to informing, to induce the reader to make the decision that the company wants. Almost always to make purchases or hire services.

The 5 best copywriting techniques you need to use

Writing a text using persuasion methods requires some techniques to activate triggers in the reader.

That is, some processes are used to induce the person who is reading to make the decision to buy the product offered, for example. These are the 5 best techniques:

  • Use the appropriate textual language;
  • Create headlines that immediately grab attention;
  • Use surveys that support the idea you want to convey;
  • Know your target audience and the language they use;
  • Stimulate the reader's mental triggers.

Know the main mental triggers of copywriting

And speaking of mental triggers , it is essential to understand how they work to make a perfect copy of marketing copy. These stimuli can be triggered through the content, using some methods:


In this technique, the writer positively impacts the reader. An example of how this can be done is through special offers.

In return, the consumer, who is reading that content, accepts the proposal and purchases the product or service.

Social Proof

Social proof is nothing more than proof to the reader that the product or service being offered is very successful with other people.

This proof can be carried out through feedback from customers, with authority on the subject, or a large number of consumers who have approved the product in question.


Building rapport with the reader is critical. For this, use interpersonal texts that approach the experience of those who are reading that content.

Strengthen the connection with your consumers, show that your company cares and retain the people who trusted your business.


The word of an authority on a given subject is worth a lot. Therefore, it is always good to use sources that understand the topic being addressed.

Choose good references for the text, such as expert speeches, articles, reports and other media that have quality content.


When something is about to end, people value it much more. In the copywriting text, it is interesting to convey this idea through phrases, such as: “enjoy the last units”, “promotion valid only until tomorrow”, etc.

This creates a sense of urgency in the consumer and makes the purchase decision much faster, acting on impulse.

Commitment and consistency

Generally, people keep promises and like to honor commitments. Therefore, when writing your text, convey the idea that the reader must fulfill the solutions of their own problems.

That way, whoever is reading continues in the content created and can be worked on for the next phase of the purchase.

Copy marketing is the present and future of the Digital Age

As we saw in this article, copy marketing is very important to generate leads and sales, being essential for any company, whether in the digital industry or not.

This writing technique is the present and future of the Digital Age , and it is developing more and more.

Know your target audience well, learn about their internet routine and through that invest in your relationship with them. This is the formula for good results through persuasive text.