How to use the know-how in favor of the business?

Know-how is an English term that means “to know how” or, then, “to know how”.

How to use the know-how in favor of the business

Know-how is a concept that can add a lot to the company, especially when the corporation fully understands what it means and how to develop it. Also, how he can be essential in favor of her and her success. However, the term is often used in a generic way that has little to do with what it means.

This, then, can interfere with its use, behold, it is incorrect. Below, then, see how this concept is illustrated, how to use it for the growth and development of your company, and how it helps in the day-to-day business. To learn how to develop it!

What is know-how?

Know-how is an English term that means “to know how” or, then, “to know how”. He illustrates himself in the deep knowledge of how to develop some activities. That is practical knowledge of how to do something.

This is a general term. What happens, then, is that the know-how goes beyond this knowledge. After all, if everyone knows how to do something – how you and your competitors produce products – it wouldn't be a differentiator, right?!

Therefore, the “know-how to do” needs to be something specific and different from what others have. This applies both to the concept applied to a professional and a brand. Therefore, today this concept is seen almost as intellectual property. Because knowledge reveals itself as something that only that professional or, in this case, only the company has.

Know-how features

There are some important characteristics of this type of knowledge. See what they are:

  • It is concrete: there is a technique or ingredient that is specific. That is, it is not just a notion of something, a theory. It is the knowledge that is applied in everyday life;
  • Unique: your know-how is different from that of another company. If you share knowledge, then it cannot be considered as such. Consider, for example, the great legend about the Coca-Cola formula. It is a formula of knowledge and exclusive ownership of the brand that it puts into practice to make the product;
  • It brings corporate benefits: this knowledge, which can be put into practice and is exclusive, must also act to bring advantages to the company, such as differentiating the product so that it is more attractive or brings more functionality than others on the market.

What is a company's know-how, then?

This term represents the knowledge that the company has and that it has developed from its experience in the market. In the development of your product or, then, in your training that allows greater capacity and productivity of employees. See that both examples in the previous paragraph are different knowledge.

But both bring advantages to the company and are unique, they belong to it and cannot be reproduced by simple copying by other corporations. Therefore, it is a differential that is made possible by repeating techniques, improving them, and conquering something new and unique, capable of bringing financial advantages.

What is the importance of know-how?

This concept is of great importance to companies. See what they are and then tips on how to develop yours!

Differentiate yourself

First, this automatically sets the company apart from the competition. And this is important both for winning customers and for attracting the best professionals in the market. It is common for this to generate greater interest in talents in their area, who want to join the company and learn from the experience and knowledge it already has.

Increased productivity and profit

Once the company has the know-how, it also automatically has greater chances of productivity and profit. Here there is in-depth knowledge about daily activities so that they can be developed more and more. Consequently, then, more profit is generated for the corporation, which sells more precisely because it shows itself to be different.

Competitive advantage

Finally, this differentiation that this know-how concept brings to the company allows it to have a competitive advantage. That is, it comes out ahead of its competitors since it has better strategies and knowledge.

How to have the know-how?

Given the importance of this concept for companies, it remains to be seen how to develop it.

Know the know why

A concept that is combined with knowing how to do is knowing why. That is before you know how to do something differently, you need to know why.

Invest in courses and training

Another important issue to develop business know-how is to invest in courses and training for your employees. Thus, they acquire theoretical and practical knowledge. From this, then, they have the necessary basis to develop new concepts and possibilities for activities and new projects.

That is, from the acquisition of general knowledge of the area it is possible to reach new conclusions. The knowledge acquired in these courses and training, therefore, is a foundation. It is the starting point after which it is possible to develop this differentiated and unique know-how.

The image matters too

Your company also needs to demonstrate what it knows and how it matters and differentiates itself. Therefore, marketing starts with the use of know-how as a strategy for growth and differentiation from the competition.

In this way, it is important not to lose sight of how others (clients and professionals) see what she does and whether this differentiation that she obtained through experience and knowledge development is clear.


Networking – which is nothing more than a network of contacts – is also part of the know-how. It promotes the exchange of knowledge and experiences. This is important on two points. First, because there is this new arrival of knowledge. Equally, only then is it possible to know what others do and what their differentiation is.

Muhammad Naeem Sajid



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